.. title:: Arianna documentation .. figure:: ./../../logo.png :scale: 30 % :align: center Introduction ============ **arianna** [#f1]_ is a Python implementation of the *Metropolis--Coupled Slice Sampling* method that generates posterior samples from high-dimensional and strongly multimodal distributions. Apart from *Bayesian parameter inference*, **arianna** also provides unbiased and low-variance estimates of the *model evidence (aka marginal likelihood)* at no additional cost. The sampler is modular and does not require any hand-tuning from the user. Its parallel and black-box nature renders it ideal for computationally expensive models with high number of parameters often met in the physical sciences. .. [#f1] `Named after Dr. Arianna W. Rosenbluth, one of the main developers of the Metropolis algorithm and the first person in history to ever code a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. `_ Documentation ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: install pages/quickstart api Attribution =========== Please cite the following if you find this code useful in your research. The BibTeX entry for the paper is:: @article{arianna, title={arianna: A Metropolis--Coupled Slice Sampler for Bayesian Inference and Model Selection}, author={Minas Karamanis and Florian Beutler}, year={2021}, note={in prep} } Authors & License ================= Copyright 2021 Minas Karamanis and contributors. ``arianna`` is free software made available under the ``GPL-3.0 License``. Changelog ========= **0.0.1 (14/03/21)** - First version